Prolonged detention? Because evidence is tainted? But the people "might" commit future crimes? This is dangerous stuff. Creating new "legal regimes" to detain someone without rights or due process? Yeah Obama, I doubt I'll be voting for you this time around. I guess that means I am a threat subject to detention? Though, for the record, I still think he'll win.
Yes, but how many votes would he lose if he let out a few GITMO prisoners and they then managed to kill a bunch of Americans?
Just picture all the the "Willie Horton" ads...
What I find interesting is that both political parties are beginning to sing the same tune and it's becoming more apparent with each passing day. IMHO political parties now only serve to maintain a divided populace. But as people continue to wake up to the truth, the two leading parties become less effective at doing so. As much as I disagree with Rachel Maddow on most social issues, I completely agree with her on this matter. For the record, as things became more apparent and the political spin was removed from the equation, I see more clearly the unconstitutionality of the patriot act implemented by Bush. If we're gonna get back to the basics of American individual civil liberties, the bill of rights, and the constitution, we had better get to it. It doesn't matter what party violates the premise of freedom and liberty. They are wrong. We as a people cannot stand by and let them be diluted or outright eliminated. Lost votes shouldn't even be a consideration when it comes to the rights of the people. To consider votes at all puts politics before our constitution.
Yes. I agree, mostly. But if Congress passes the laws that Obama was talking about, and the USSC does not strike them down, then his enforcing such laws is, by definition, constitutional.
If the USSC takes a short view on habeas corpus, then that's that. The Patriot act is only as unconstitutional as the USSC says it is.
If you want a better system, then elect better candidates. Can we find some that wont sell out our interests for a few bucks?
I'm doing whatever it takes to get the Libertarian in the job.
Common sense needs to return to this country before it's too late. We have a choice, good people. We just don't have much time.
Theoretically this is only meant for gitmo detainees but what happens to the law when that threat passes? LEOs start looking for new people (civilians/citizens) on whom they can apply it. Just like they are doing with the "Patriot" act.
He better start building a lot of prisons, if he is talking about "Domestic Terrorists"!
Hes got the whole world in his hands, hes got the little tiny baby in his hands...
they are already building them....they are FEMA camps. You'll see.
and the next President, Rick Perry will continue this policy.
The only alternative to this insanity is Dr. Ron Paul.
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