So, I'll Leave It Up To You...?
Posted by
on Saturday, July 2, 2011
I watched this live on TV as an impressionable 13 year old.
I yelled "They can't do that!".
My older brother said, "Well, they're doing it."
We've got to find a way.
This may, very well, be my last blog post...
The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.
Great vid ATGR.....and most appropriate for our time and what we face in the coming months and years. I feel like more and more things are spiraling out of control. I also feel like we are at a crossroad and the nation is divided on what path to take. I would caution everyone to proceed with caution. Looking at the video it is clear that we haven't learned much over the last 50 years or so. Of course much is intentionally and conveniently overlooked when the real goal is money and not principle. As Americans I would urge that this July 4th, we look upon our foundings as a road map for the future. This nation was founded upon freedom and indicidual liberty. As we evolved, we learned that certain changes had to be made so that ALL Americans were afforded the same rights and protection laid out in the constitution. It is clear that there is still much to do. As an example .....individuals of an alternate lifestyles still find themselves fighting for individual liberties that the constitution considers birth rights. Remember, the Declaration of Independence says that all men are created equal....not just those with white skin, brown skin, yellow or red skin. Not just those who cohabitate with others of the opposite sex or the same sex. ALL men (and women). There is no way in hell states should be passing legislation to let gay people marry. People are individuals. The federal government should be doing their job and interviening with the enforcement of the premise that individual rights trump until they reach the point that they violate someone elses. And I can't think of one way that gay people pursuing their own happiness violates someone elses rights. But I digress. Let's keep our nation whole. Let's get our federal government back to doing what it was intended to do. Protecting the union from other nations and protecting the civil rights that our founders wisely recognized were endowed upon us by our creator. Everything else...we can do ourselves, either by our own efforts, or those of the state officials we elect.
For all the glamor and press the 60's and 70's were not all peace and love. There was the War, Kent State, Watergate, inflation and a lack of jobs. In fact a lot like today, our country was divided, the establishment and the hippies, the hawks and doves, the MAN just so crazy.
Right. Just look at 1968. Enough said.
No mirror, no future.
How bout some jams for the little dead kid.
Why your last post AGTR? I have enjoyed the fact that many of your posts caused me to question my positions on important issues of our time. While I may not have changed my position in the end, I have been moved to rethink them. Your contributions have been appreciated. What's up? Do you think that we as a nation are in our last moments? Do you think that riots are once again in our future? Do you think our economy will move us to civil unrest? Well, if your answers to any of those questions are "yes", you're not alone. In light of that, the importance of open dialogue and people of like mind offering support and assistance to each other has never been greater.
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