Gays in NY still not satisfied

Shortly after demanding their right to marry, gays in NY are demanding their right not to marry.

Several companies in NY, IBM and Raytheon  being two of the largest, are requiring couples who are currently receiving 'domestic partner' benefits to get married in order to keep receiving benefits. You wanted it, now you got it. You should be happy right? Not exactly.

I seems just days after winning their right to marry, the gay community is filing a law suit so that they don't have to marry.

This is the exact same thin that happened in Mass. The gay couples who didn't want to marry ended up moving out of state. OK, I guess.

Let me ask you this: My girlfriend and I have lived together for 15 years, why can't we get 'domestic partner' benefits? Because we are male and female? And not male and male? Or is it because we are not married?


Anonymous said...

I hear the same thing from my wife all the time. Little Hetro humor.

Mrs Alabama Worley said...

Some of these lesbians should open a school like for driving classes except it would be a school to teach men how to.., you know. Us wives would sure like that.

Anonymous said...

I can feel you pondering it,hummmm.

Anonymous said...

Got a little laugh hogger here. Dude on any given day there are three or four lesbians in my house. Some I think do it because they are just young and lost, some have boy friends and it is what they think they are supposed to do, a few know what and who they are. I learned a lot from those few. The stree that their families put on them, the stress of being who and what you are. They are all for the most part good girls. Hell why do you think that I could talk with Mel? Because just in conversation those (kids) taught me some stuff. None of them would take that joke offensively.

Anonymous said...

I hope Mel is happy.

Anonymous said...

Think happiness is free, think again.

Anonymous said...

With rights come responsibility. First, if everyone had been treated equally this would never have been an issue. Everyone would have been required to be married to recieve benefits of the spouses employment from the beginning. All that being said, it wasn't the case but now that the rights have been obtained, everyone must comply with the rules. Period. They must recognis that these "rights" come with the responsibilty faced by everyone. No one is "special". Unless, of course, we are to consider these demanded exceptions to be "reparations". Seriously?

Two Sentz said...

Well said 9:17.

Be Careful What You Wish For said...

Marriage is the leading cause of divorce. Hey, knock yourselves out..

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding with this post? Companies are forcing people to get married who do not want to and you're blaming gay people?

Two Sentz said...

No I'm not kidding. Companies aren't 'forcing' anything, they are saying if you want benefits that married people enjoy then go ahead and get married.

Tell me then, why can't my girlfriend and I in a hetero relationship get these benefits? If gay 'partnerships' could then why can't I?

Unknown said...

For once I'm speechless and that never happens. Soak it in.

afterthegoldrush said...

Every couple should have benefits, whether married or not. Insurance companies are scared about paying out more money. It always comes down to the money.

Anonymous said... has to come down to the money when it comes to business....the business gets to set the rules as to what it offers and what it covers. BUT if they say they're gonna cover it then they damned sure better cover it. If a person in the market for insurance doesnt like what the ins co offers...they go to a different ins. company. It isn't an insurance's an insurance company. The free market can determine if that company lives or dies by not buying it's product. If the government sets the rules and then sets the pricing...the government will then pick the winners and they did with the banks.

afterthegoldrush said...

Somebody has to do it, and the government is the only entity with that power. Do you see where I am caught between a rock and a hard spot? I don't trust either one of them.

Anonymous said...

But when in doubt, the power remains with the people. I quote the U.S. Constitution.... "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

The federal govt has no authority to address this. While I completely understand the rock and hardspot idea (as I currently find myself in a position where health insurance is unaffordable to me), I am not willing to compromise my belief in the constitution as the law of the land and the foundation upon which this nation was built. The people have an option. They can, as a group, refuse to buy healthcare insurance for a period of time. This would force companies to adjust their prices and policies to be more competitive or go under. In short order they would be cutting each others throats for their share of the market. But we the people lack the intestinal fortitude to stand together. We have become a me, me, me society and for that we pay a price. It the same reason corrupt politicians stay in office...they pander and pay off in the form of subsidies and welfare - corporate or otherwise. And the me, me, me society follow the easy gimme route like sheep to slaughter.