Go Vote Today!

If you live in the City of Salisbury, today is the day! Please go vote early and often...oh yeah, and vote for Laura Mitchell.


Blog Editor said...

YADA YADA YADA-more full-time jobs with benefits, many of us also prefer not to get shot at the local ATMs and fix the damn potholes-and stop the endless agonizing quotes from people of, what, now, three dis-sheveled parties, offering jibber-jabber from a time period when not only was there no penicillin; but where there was no FAA/NTSB, and the Constitutional framers would have looked up and said 'Run away...large man-ridden birds are landing among us' if they even saw a basic frikkin' Kitty Hawk re-enactment today. I think some of you guys need to start reading Sports Illustrated, and as I do research, if you want to dress up and convey a histrionic message as a large, annoying political dink-they offer a great 7th inning mascot race in DC. BTW-Always bet on Teddy R.