Maryland gay marriage bill dies with no final vote

A bill to legalize gay marriage in the State of Maryland has died after the House of Delegates avoided a final vote on the measure. What happened to those who were elected to support the rights of the people? Democrat or Republican - it doesn't matter. Inalienable rights are inalienable rights. What part of "....Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." do they not understand?


Two Sentz said...

Dies completely or sent back to committee? I think it will reappear later, possibly not until next year but as I predicted on PD, it did not pass.

afterthegoldrush said...

I have no problem with it.

Bob said...

I didn't think it would pass either. But it shouldn't be an issue. The government shouldn't be in the business of deciding the direction people take on their path to happiness.

Problem Chile'-Slight Return said...

Did it die completely alone, or did somebody buy it a "pity Cosmo?" There are just proper ways of conducting business even if people can't get together on the same page.

BTW-Anybody stupid enough to get married should be granted that which they ask for, if between two consenting, mentally competent adults of any sex. God help you, though, if upon divorce, you have but one chafing dish, and two bitter, vindictive souls whose mutual hidden sin is to assertively covet.